interculturel | Sofime le blog - Part 2 interculturel | Sofime le blog - Part 2

What can you do in Paris ?

That is the reason you like Paris : with friends, family, or even alone, there will always be something to do in Paris !

As summer gets closer, a lots of parks are adjusting their activities and you’ll especially be able to canoeing in le Bois de Vincennes.

If you like to party, know that the festivals season just started ! The Festival Rhizomes, in all the 18thparks are proposing world’s music concerts (Bresil, Mali, Reunion…).

You can also to the Jazz Festival all summer long at the  Parc floral, and the La Défense Jazz’s Festival, but also Rock en Seine, Lollapalooza, and also classic music at the festival Classique au vert, the Solistes à Bagatelle, the Festival Européen des jeunes talents

For those less roisterer this summer, the open air cinema at the parc de La Villette awaits you ! An open air theatre festival, the itinerant festival of the arènes de Montmartre : les Tréteaux nomades will take place under the sky of Paris.

The rest of the year, the numerous museums are proposing very diversified exhibitions, sometimes with special days or events (Nuit BlancheNuit des musées, fairs, performances…). In october, the famous fête des vendanges de Montmartre proposes shows, tastings, exhibitions and concerts ! The oktoberfestof Paris will also be back in october !

If you are the athletic kind, or a sports enthusiast, meetings do exists, summer like winter !

Marathons : Le Marathon de Paris, the 20km de Paris, the Color run Paris, La Parisienne

Festivals and sports competitions : the martial arts festival, the numerous hippiques races of the Hippodrome Longchamp… 

Driving in France with foreign licence – what are the rules?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "conduire emoticone"Driving in France with foreign driving licence is possible, but be careful, the rules are changing depending on the duration of your stay and the issuing country of the driving licence.

If you are french or foreigner, holding a driving licence issuing by a country from European Union or member of the Espace économique européen (EEE): you can drive in France with your European driving licence, with no time limitation as soon as your driving licence is valide.

If you are french or foreigner, holding a driving licence non European, rules are different, depending on the duration of your stay: [Read more…]

#10ansSOFIME – **Portrait 5 : Magdalena Gustafsson from Sweden – living in London & moving to Paris !**

First time we met Magdalena was on Skype in January. Her smile and her “bonjour” pierced our screen!

Our first mission was to find a nice, cosy apartment for this young Swedish stylist coming from London. After a long day walking up and down multiple stairs in Montmartre, we stopped in a coffee shop with delicious coffee and pretty tea spoons and had a very nice chat before viewing the final flat! Magdalena told us later that “that was the point where I felt like this could definitely be my new neighbourhood”. She chose this last apartment, it is now her local coffee shop and she felt in love with this area of Paris.

When we asked Magdalena after few weeks how she felt in her new life, we found her answer hilarious and “so her”:


 “For me it was a little bit like moving to another neighbourhood in London apart from that I couldn’t understand people and I had to keep my eyes on the ground when walking, not to step in dog poo”


On a more personal point, Magdalena was my first « solo mission », I felt so lucky to take care of Magdalena and I will remember her for a long time! Agathe.

#10ansSOFIME Relocation – ** Profil 4: Nathalie, une pro de l’immobilier au service de la relocation **

Ce mois-ci,  nous souhaitons vous faire découvrir notre réseau d’agences immobilières. Difficile de faire un choix, elles sont toutes qualifiées dans notre book (et ils/elles se reconnaissent certainement !!) mais, allez, on se lance…

Vous cherchez une agence immobilière à l’aise avec les profils VIP ? Nathalie saura gérer!

Parfaite communicante, souriante, toujours très professionnelle, Nathalie a le sens du service et de l’anticipation. Un descriptif de profil et de société et hop, elle identifie le type de produit qui convient!! [Read more…]

#10ansSOFIME – **Third portrait : a piece of India in Paris!**

Mohit and his wife, a couple from India, arrived in Paris in spring 2017. It was a complete new experience for them: new culture, new language, new job!

We helped them during their arrival to find a house. Our objective, as always, is to help them to feel at home even if they are far from their family. We were very blessed when Mohit wrote to us later that we helped them to get settled « like a member of the Family”. [Read more…]

#10ansSofime Relocation- ** Second portrait : The Steinbach Family, a lovely human experience! **

As announced, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Sofime Relocation, we wanted to share with you the story of 10 people that make these 10 years incredible.

Today let’s talk about the Steinback Family! If you missed our first portrait click here: Les visages de Sofime.


Mallory and Justin, a young Canadian couple, arrived in France in 2012 to follow a professional opportunity. They spent nearly six years in Paris and have been a clint of mine since the beginning of their adventure!

We took care of them from their arrival: immigration, home search, social security, driving license exchange. We built a real friendship. Messages here and there!

And then, the family has grown. They evolved from a couple, to a family with one child, and then they were blessed with triplets! No stress. “Allo Sophie?”. [Read more…]

Travailler efficacement avec les espagnols

L’Espagne est un pays qui  a connu un essor extraordinaire à partir des années 80, puis une crise économique assez sévère dont elle n’est pas encore sortie. Aujourd’hui, plus d’un quart des espagnols sont au chômage; ces chiffres sont encore plus alarmants sur la population des jeunes: 57% des jeunes sont touchés par le chômage.

Mais malgré ces chiffres bien sombres, l’espagnol garde son positivisme et sa joie de vivre! Ils restent ouverts sur la différence et sont curieux des autres. Pas étonnant qu’ils s’internationalisent et quittent le pays…

Si vous travaillez avec des espagnols, il vous faudra cependant respecter quelques règles de base:

  • Les espagnols ont plutôt tendance à manquer d’estime envers eux mêmes; aussi pour être efficace, flattez les et développez une relation interpersonnelle. La convivialité les mettra plus à l’aise.
  • Sachez également que les jeunes espagnols considèrent les français comme arrogants, même s’ils apprécient notre savoir vivre. Soyez donc vigilants dans votre attitude. De même, il est souvent surpris de notre esprit critique; lui est détendu, agréable, positif, faites de même!
  • Si vous développez des relations avec un fournisseur espagnol, affichez la rigueur  française: soyez souple mais écrivez l’ensemble des conditions dans un contrat, avec précision, car la rigueur n’est pas le point fort des espagnols. De même, le prix doit être clairement défini au départ afin qu’il n’y ait aucune tentative de renégociation pendant la vie du contrat.

Définitivement, les espagnols sont des latins, aimant le bon vivre mais parfois, leur manque de raffinement vous obligera à faire preuve d’un excès de rigueur et de précision pour qu’une relation, toujours excellente dans les premiers temps, le soit jusqu’au bout!