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🇬🇧 Costs to foresee when relocating

During a relocation, one does not necessarily realize that there will be a lot of payments to make at the same time. So as to prevent bad surprises, you need to foresee all the costs. And you need to have sufficient funds in your bank account on the D-Day ! SOFIME Relocation helps you get a better idea of how much you will have to spend upon arrival.

     → 1st rent

Depending on when your lease starts and how the rent is calculated, you will have to pay either a full month rent, or a prorated rent. The latter will be based on the amount of days covered by the lease in the first month.

     → Deposit

For a primary residence personal lease (which is the most common lease), the deposit is 1 month rent (charges deducted) for empty apartments. On the other hand it is 2 months rent (charges deducted) for furnished apartments. If the rental lease is a company lease, or a secondary residence lease, it might be even more! (see our article about the different types of leases, as well as the one about furnished / unfurnished apartment, for better understanding).

     → Agency fees

For a primary residence personal lease, the agency fees are regulated by law. Hence it can be maximum 15 euros per sqm (incl. administrative + check-in fees). However, for company leases and secondary residence leases, there is no maximum. As a result they can rise up to 13% of the annual rent. But if you rent your apartment directly with the owner, there are no agency fees.

     → House insurance

In France, having a house insurance is mandatory. As a consequence you need to subscribe to a house insurance as soon as you have signed the lease contract. The estate agency will ask you to provide an insurance attestation on the day of the checkin in the apartment. Importantly, if you do not have it, you will not get your keys… So make sure your housing insurance is valid starting the 1st day of the lease! The insurance contribution depends on the size of the apartment, how much protection you want against risks and on the value of your belongings. Count for a small 2 room apartment around 150 euros.

     → Moving costs

If you move with your furniture, do not forget to foresee the cost of moving. From one country to another, it can be very expensive.

🇬🇧 Furnished apartment or not? That is the question!

     Before starting to look for an apartment, you need to decide if you would prefer a furnished or empty one. Of course this will depend on your own situation. For one thing, furnished apartments are more expensive in France than empty ones, and both type of contracts do not follow the same rules. SOFIME Relocation helps you find here all the important things you need to know in order to make up your mind:

     → Furnished apartments

A furnished apartment is defined as a decent accommodation. It should have a sufficient number and quality of furniture to allow the tenant to sleep, eat and live properly. According to the law (and in case of Bail Loi Alur only), a furnished rental lease follows the subsequent rules: (See our article about the different types of rental leases existing in France for better understanding):

     – 1 year duration with tacit renewal.

     – 2 months deposit (excl. charges).

     – 1 month leave notice for the tenant.

     – 3 months leave notice for the landlord.

     → Empty apartments

An empty accommodation consists of an apartment without any piece of furniture (nor fitted kitchen). The rules of this type of rental are different from those of the furnished rentals. And they are once again following the law (in case again of Bail Loi Alur only).

     – 3 years duration with tacit renewal.

     – 1 month deposit (excl. charges).

     – 3 months leave notice for the tenant, shortened to 1 month for densely populated areas (such as Paris). You can find the list of areas considered as densely populated here.

     – 6 months leave notice for the landlord.

     → TIP:  In any case – furnished or unfurnished apartment – the landlord can terminate the contract in 3 situations only:

     – When he/she wants to live himself/herself in the apartment, or he/she wants to accommodate someone from his/her own family.

     – If he/she wants to sell the apartment

     – Whenever he/she has a serious and legitimate reason to do so (for example if the tenant is not paying the rent, if the tenant damaged the property, or in case of neighborhood disturbance).

🇬🇧 Rentals in France: what are you signing for?

When you sign a lease contract, there is an agreement between the tenant and the landlord. Indeed the tenant commits to paying the rent as fixed in the contract whereas and the landlord commits to giving the tenant private tenure of the property.
In France there are several types of lease contracts. SOFIME Relocation gives you all the details about those:     
→ Personal lease for primary residence called “Bail loi Alur”
It is the most common lease in France. First it is a lease contract you sign in your name. And secondly, it applies to the situation where the apartment / house will be your primary residence. This contract is defined and controlled by the law in order to protect the tenants. As a consequence, there can be no tricky clauses. Of course as long as you see written on the contract “loi Alur 1989”
Agency fees are regulated by law (maximum 12 euros per m2 for the lease writing, and 3 euros per m2 for the check-in process).The deposit is limited to 1 or 2 months rent. Moreover the rental length in time is regulated, as well as the rules applying in case of departure. Those conditions depend on the fact that the apartment comes furnished or not.     
     → Company lease, called  « Bail Code Civil – Bail société” 
This type of lease applies to situations when the company rents the apartment / house for its employee. This type of lease is not regulated by law, which means anything can basically be written. That is why it is important to read carefully all the details of the contract, so that you are fully aware of all special conditions.     
       Secondary residence lease called “Bail Code Civil – résidence secondaire”
This type of lease applies only when you rent an apartment / a house as a secondary residence. It means you own or rent another place as your primary residence. The terms of the contract are freely defined between the landlord and the tenant, just as for the company lease: rent, notice period, rental length etc.


What you need to know to start your home search
with the right mindset !

     Renting an apartment abroad is not a simple matter, especially if you do not know the country you are moving to… You have to ask yourself the right questions about what would fit you better. 

You also need to be aware of the real estate market of the city you chose to live in, so that your expectations match reality. From one city/country to another, you do not have the same standards for a similar budget. Especially in Paris, which often comes as a surprise for foreigners! Here is SOFIME Relocation insight about that:

     Demands exceed the offers

     France being a very centralized country, Paris has become the densest market for rentals. In Paris only, 2,2 millions people are living, and Ile de France (the administrative area comprising Paris) has more than 12 millions inhabitants, which corresponds to almost 20 % of the full French population (living on 2% only of the area of France). As you can understand, the housing market is constantly under pressure, and very dynamic.

Paris architecture is protected by law, and new constructions are scarce. The pool of available apartments is not growing, and hence is not following the demand. In the end, it means that there is a lot of competition: for every apartment available, there will be several applicants. And when an apartment is put on the market, it is usually rented in the next two days. So there is no time to think or ask for a second visit! This is less true for big apartments i.e more than 90 m2, and furnished ones.) 

     Rent prices are skyrocketting

     Because of the high demand, prices for rentals have massively increased in the past years. It reached a point where the government had to intervene, and implement rules. Now, in Paris and its close suburbs, there is a maximum price per square meter that cannot be exceeded. Now it is fixed by law depending on the district the apartment is located in. You can find here the detailed information.

This is theory. In reality, things are not as clear. If an apartment has something more than the average, landlords are allowed to exceed the price limit. (i.e high ceilings, amazing view, luxury furbishment etc.). And it seems in the facts that every apartment in Paris is exceptional, because this rule is constantly twisted!

     What is a typical parisian apartment?

     Because new constructions are rare, there are not that many modern buildings. A typical flat in Paris is around 45 m2, comes in a 19th century building and has wood floors that crack when you step on them. It will almost never have an air conditioner. Nor several toilets for instance ! Also, if a lot of old buildings have been equiped with elevators in time, most of the ones in the heart of Paris do not have one, as the staircases are far too narrow to welcome one!

 → Our piece of advice: 

Prioritize your criteria, because the perfect apartment does not exist. Hence you will always have to  make concessions! Therefore be sure of what you want and what you need before the visits are planned. You will have to make up your mind the same day in order to send your application! And do not  worry, with SOFIME Relocation, you always find the perfect place !

Une journée de relocation, comment cela se passe ?

Vous vous demandez comment se déroule une journée de visites d’appartements avec nous ? Cliquez sur cette vidéo et n’oubliez pas de montez le son !

Quelles solutions pour un retour d’expatriation réussi ?

 Pas de panique ! Des solutions, il y en a!

Premier reflexe : Google ! De nombreux sites peuvent fournir des informations pertinentes et guider pour les démarches à entreprendre. Notamment, sur le site diplomatie.gouv.

Les blogs sont eux aussi une bonne source d’information avec, par exemple, un véritable guide pour les inscriptions à l’école maternelle ou primaire.

Il existe aussi des solutions ultra personnalisées avec une personne dédiée à votre retour, qui comprend vos problématiques: les services de relocation. Ils sont de plus en plus souvent pris en charge par les entreprises, pour assurer à leur salarié, ou nouvelle recrue, un retour serein en France. Ces services sont encouragés par l’Etat français qui prévoit même, à certaines conditions, une subvention pour la prise en charge des frais de relocation via le Mobili Pass.

Vous êtes de retour? Vous pouvez consulter tous nos services de relocation et découvrir notre équipe sur notre site:, ou consulter nos autres articles sur notre blog!

#10ansSOFIME relocation – **Portrait 6: Luc et Quentin, le duo de choc AFR Expert**

Vous le savez, les duos improbables ne nous font pas peur, nous avons fait ce choix chez Sofime Relocation, alors lorsque nous avons croisé le chemin de Quentin et Luc, ce duo de choc nous a tout de suite séduit, et à raison !

Il y a Quentin, 28 ans, voyageur et sportif assidu, débordant d’énergie et d’idées, qui cerne très vite sa passion pour les métiers de terrain avec une dimension internationale. Après des études à l’Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières, il démarre sa vie professionnelle en tant qu’agent immobilier, puis chasseur d’appartements.

Il y a Luc, 53 ans, sportif également et un parcours professionnel hors norme : professeur des écoles puis journaliste photo pendant 20 ans, il rejoint ensuite le monde de l’immobilier, toujours aussi investi et passionné.

Ils se rencontrent fin 2011, tous deux chasseurs d’appartements à ce moment-là et en commun un amour pour les métiers de services et une énergie débordante ! Un vrai lien se créé au cours de ces 2 années et ils poursuivent leur collaboration en tant qu’opérateurs d’états des lieux pendant 2 ans.

 En 2015, 4 ans après leur rencontre, leur esprit entrepreneurial et leur détermination à moderniser et améliorer le domaine, les amènent à créer leur société ensemble : AFR experts.

Grace à ses nombreux contacts, Luc décroche les premiers clients. Pendant ce temps Quentin fait les états des lieux, principalement pour location corporate meublée. Ensemble, ils développent un logiciel dédié. Depuis 2017, ils assistent les demandes de souscriptions internet, et cette année, ont ouvert leurs bureaux dans le 11ème!

Leur collaboration et amitié les animent depuis près de 7 ans et nous pouvons attester de leur professionnalisme et réactivité testés presque chaque semaine: de l’or dans nos métiers !

Tous leurs services sur leur site