10 Tips pour une Relocation Réussie en France
🇬🇧 Costs to foresee when relocating
During a relocation, one does not necessarily realize that there will be a lot of payments to make at the same time. So as to prevent bad surprises, you need to foresee all the costs. And you need to have sufficient funds in your bank account on the D-Day ! SOFIME Relocation helps you get a better idea of how much you will have to spend upon arrival.
→ 1st rent
Depending on when your lease starts and how the rent is calculated, you will have to pay either a full month rent, or a prorated rent. The latter will be based on the amount of days covered by the lease in the first month.
→ Deposit
For a primary residence personal lease (which is the most common lease), the deposit is 1 month rent (charges deducted) for empty apartments. On the other hand it is 2 months rent (charges deducted) for furnished apartments. If the rental lease is a company lease, or a secondary residence lease, it might be even more! (see our article about the different types of leases, as well as the one about furnished / unfurnished apartment, for better understanding).
→ Agency fees
For a primary residence personal lease, the agency fees are regulated by law. Hence it can be maximum 15 euros per sqm (incl. administrative + check-in fees). However, for company leases and secondary residence leases, there is no maximum. As a result they can rise up to 13% of the annual rent. But if you rent your apartment directly with the owner, there are no agency fees.
→ House insurance
In France, having a house insurance is mandatory. As a consequence you need to subscribe to a house insurance as soon as you have signed the lease contract. The estate agency will ask you to provide an insurance attestation on the day of the checkin in the apartment. Importantly, if you do not have it, you will not get your keys… So make sure your housing insurance is valid starting the 1st day of the lease! The insurance contribution depends on the size of the apartment, how much protection you want against risks and on the value of your belongings. Count for a small 2 room apartment around 150 euros.
→ Moving costs
If you move with your furniture, do not forget to foresee the cost of moving. From one country to another, it can be very expensive.
What you need to know to start your home search
with the right mindset !
Renting an apartment abroad is not a simple matter, especially if you do not know the country you are moving to… You have to ask yourself the right questions about what would fit you better.
You also need to be aware of the real estate market of the city you chose to live in, so that your expectations match reality. From one city/country to another, you do not have the same standards for a similar budget. Especially in Paris, which often comes as a surprise for foreigners! Here is SOFIME Relocation insight about that:
Demands exceed the offers
France being a very centralized country, Paris has become the densest market for rentals. In Paris only, 2,2 millions people are living, and Ile de France (the administrative area comprising Paris) has more than 12 millions inhabitants, which corresponds to almost 20 % of the full French population (living on 2% only of the area of France). As you can understand, the housing market is constantly under pressure, and very dynamic.
Paris architecture is protected by law, and new constructions are scarce. The pool of available apartments is not growing, and hence is not following the demand. In the end, it means that there is a lot of competition: for every apartment available, there will be several applicants. And when an apartment is put on the market, it is usually rented in the next two days. So there is no time to think or ask for a second visit! This is less true for big apartments i.e more than 90 m2, and furnished ones.)
Rent prices are skyrocketting
Because of the high demand, prices for rentals have massively increased in the past years. It reached a point where the government had to intervene, and implement rules. Now, in Paris and its close suburbs, there is a maximum price per square meter that cannot be exceeded. Now it is fixed by law depending on the district the apartment is located in. You can find here the detailed information.
This is theory. In reality, things are not as clear. If an apartment has something more than the average, landlords are allowed to exceed the price limit. (i.e high ceilings, amazing view, luxury furbishment etc.). And it seems in the facts that every apartment in Paris is exceptional, because this rule is constantly twisted!
What is a typical parisian apartment?
Because new constructions are rare, there are not that many modern buildings. A typical flat in Paris is around 45 m2, comes in a 19th century building and has wood floors that crack when you step on them. It will almost never have an air conditioner. Nor several toilets for instance ! Also, if a lot of old buildings have been equiped with elevators in time, most of the ones in the heart of Paris do not have one, as the staircases are far too narrow to welcome one!
→ Our piece of advice:
Prioritize your criteria, because the perfect apartment does not exist. Hence you will always have to make concessions! Therefore be sure of what you want and what you need before the visits are planned. You will have to make up your mind the same day in order to send your application! And do not worry, with SOFIME Relocation, you always find the perfect place !
Et si SOFIME Relocation poursuivait sa transition « verte »…
… en comptant sur ses gambettes?
Victoire pour les uns, pilule difficile à avaler pour les autres, il faut prendre acte de cette nouvelle donne. Bientôt, nous ne pourrons plus circuler en voiture.

Il y aura bien sûr un certain nombre de cases à cocher avant de se lancer dans l’aventure : accord de l’entreprise et du client, météo favorable, distances acceptées entre les visites d’appartements.
Et les non sportifs?! SOFIME Relocation y pense. Au-delà du fait que le vélo ou la trottinette électrique font des miracles sur les cuisses non entrainées, nous pourrons nous appuyer sur le réseau de transports en commun. Car Paris est quand même la ville la mieux desservie au monde selon un classement de 2016 de l’Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP, basé à New York); ou bien sur les innombrables chauffeurs et taxis que compte notre belle capitale. Ou encore, pourquoi ne pas faire confiance à nos pieds, qui sont les plus naturellement placés pour se mouvoir d’un point à un autre ?!
Chez SOFIME Relocation, il n’y a pas de problème, il n’y a que des solutions !
Votre avis compte ! N’hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos suggestions !
#10ansSOFIME Relocation – ** Profil 4: Nathalie, une pro de l’immobilier au service de la relocation **

Vous cherchez une agence immobilière à l’aise avec les profils VIP ? Nathalie saura gérer!
Parfaite communicante, souriante, toujours très professionnelle, Nathalie a le sens du service et de l’anticipation. Un descriptif de profil et de société et hop, elle identifie le type de produit qui convient!! [Read more…]
Impatriation: les tendances 2013
La pleine saison avançant à grands pas, nous sommes aujourd’hui en mesure de faire le bilan des tendances de l’année; une année bien différente des années précédentes:
Faute à la crise? Fort est de constater que nous, agence de relocation, travaillons de manière bien différente cette année!
– d’une part, il nous faut nous adapter avec des missions qui nous sont confiées à la dernière minute, qui s’annulent et qui redeviennent d’actualité… Chouette on adore les imprévus!
– d’autre part, nous constatons, à notre grand regret, que les retours sont de moins en moins accompagnés. Cette année, nous battons les records de visites sur notre site, suivi d’appels, avec des salariés criant « au secours »! Mutés dans les semaines qui suivent, ils ont besoin, eux aussi en urgence, d’un accompagnement pour les aider à trouver un logement. Heureusement, la réactivité est notre cheval de bataille! S’ils peuvent bénéficier du mobili pass, l’addition sera moins lourde, mais cela n’est pas toujours le cas…
– enfin, coïncidence ou stratégie RH, nous constatons qu’en période de crise, les entreprises recrutent à l’étranger des expatriés en contrat local avec quelques avantages de l’impatriation, relocation notamment. A nous, consultants en relocation, de nous adapter avec les périodes d’essai et les baux personnels!
Ouvrir un compte bancaire lorsque l’on est muté en France? Pas si facile!
Cela fait partie des quelques aberrations françaises:
Avoir un compte bancaire en France est indispensable pour trouver un logement car vous aurez besoin de prouver que vous avez des revenus en France. Mais pour ouvrir un compte bancaire en France, il vous faut une adresse en France. Alors comment fait on? [Read more…]
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